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mbbs(rpgmc tanda)

md med student(pgims rohtak)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

mock test 1

solve it without looking at the answers first

ques 1)most common organ injured in blast injury?
a)lungs b)colon c)middle ear d)eyes.

ques 2) a normal husband and normal wife have a child with cystic fibrosis.....what is the probability of the child being a boy with cystic fibrosis???
a) 1/2 b) 3/4 c) 1/8 d) 1/4.

ques 3) coagulative necrosis is found in
a)tuberculosis b)fungal infections c)sarcoidosis d)gangrene.

ques 4)all are seen in dengue except
a)anaemia b)leucopenia c)thrombocytopenia d)none of these.

ques 5)drug of choice for chemoprophylaxis in meningococcal meningitis
a)third generation cephalosporins b)penicillinG c)rifampicin d)sulfadiazine.

ques 6)which of the following antiparkinsonism drugs is approved for use in ''restless legs syndrome''
a)levodopa b)amantadine c)ropinirole d)centrally acting anticholinergics.

ques 7)all of the following cause noninvasive diarrhoea except?
a)staph.aureus b)yersinia enterocolitis c)bacillus cereus d)enterotoxigenic E.coli.

ques 8)all cause hirsutism except?
a)flutamide b)phenytoin c)diazoxide d)minoxidil.

ques 9)which of these is not associated with von hipple lindau syndrome
a)cerebellar hemangioendothelioma b)renal cell carcinoma c)pheochromocytoma d)all are associated.

ques 10) all are markers of bone resorption except?
b)urine total free deoxypyridinoline
c)serum propeptide of type 1 procollagen
d)urine and serum cross linked N-telopeptide.

ques 11)painless genital ulcer with no lymphadenopathy suggests
a)syphilis b)LGV c)herpes d)donovanosis.

ques 12)which of these is characteristically spared in osteoarthritis?
a)wrist b)elbow c)ankle
d)all are spared in OA.

ques 13)deltoid ligament is attached to all except?
a)medial malleolus b)medial cuneiform
c)spring ligament d)sustentaculum tali.

ques 14)terms 'dementia precox' and 'schizophrenia' are coined respectively by
a)kraepelin and bleuler b)bleuler and kraepelin c)kraepelin and freud d)bleuler and kraepelin.

ques 15)dead space is increased by all except?
a)anticholinergic drugs b)standing
c)hyperextension of neck d)endotracheal intubation.

ques 16)all true about hallucinations except?
a)it is as vivid as sense perception
b)it is independent of the will of the observer
c)occurs in inner subjective space
d)it occurs in absence of perceptual stimulus.

ques 17)drug of choice for type 2 lepra reaction
a)corticosteroids b)thalidomide c)cyclosporine
d)stop all antileprosy drugs.

ques 18)in oxy-Hb curve ,shift to left occurs with
a)increased 2,3-DPG
b)fetal Hb
c)decreased pH
d)increased temperature.

ques 19)OCPs are protective in all except?
a)carcinoma ovary
b)colorectal carcinoma
c)carcinoma endometrium
d)carcinoma cervix.

ques 20)which is not a B-cell marker
a)CD 10 b)CD 19 c)CD 20 d)CD 135.


ques 1)C organ most commonly injured in blast injury= middle ear > lungs > colon.
ques 2)C probability of being a boy is 1/2 and probability of being affected with cystic fibrosis(autosomal recessive) in child of heterozygous parents(normal) is 1/4....
so probability of being a boy with cystic fibrosis is i/2 * 1/4 =1/8
ques 3)D see ques67 aiims feb 1997.......remember that
also see ques 72 allindia 2009,There option d was 'wet gangrene' instead of 'gangrene' ,,,,so accordingly answer was tuberculosis
ques 4)A in dengue,,,,anaemia is not seen....rather there is increased haematocrit.
ques 5)C mudit khanna ques 132 allindia 2009 writes sulfadiazine.......ITS A MISTAKE......answer is rifampicin .
ques 6)C this is a totally new question...this statement was there in one of the options of a ques in pgi nov may repeat....answer is ropinirole
ques 7)B see ques 162 allindia 2009 for explanation
ques 8)A flutamide is used to treat does not cause hirsutism....this ques came in allindia 2010....for reference see explanation of q173 allindia 2009
ques 9)A VHL is associated with hemangioblaSTOMAS and not hemangioENDOTHELIOMAS.......this is an AIIMS ques...ques 130 nov aiims 07
ques10)C revise this topic...very imp....ques 92 aiims may2008
painless ulcer with NO lymphadenopathy=donovanosis
painless ulcer with painless LAP=syphilis
painless ulcer with tender LAP=LGV
wrist,elbow and ankle are characteristically spared in OA-----harrison
ques13)B see ques 1 of aiims may 2009....answer is medial cuneiform
ques14)A dementia precox---kraepelin.........................schicophrenia--bleuler
ques15)D See ques 179 may aiims 2009
ques16)C hallucinations occur in outer objective space,not in inner subjective space.......plz refer ques194 may aiims 2009....this topic is important
ques17)B doc for type 2 lepra rxn is THALIDOMIDE and not corticosteroids as written in muditkhanna allindia2008 ques280
easy one but its important,so revise it
ques19)D OCPs are avoided in carcinoma cervix,,,,,,in rest three they are protective
ques20)D this is a ques from aiims nov 2009....CD10,19,20 are b-cell markers


  1. great job yhe questions got onto my nerves

  2. yaar yeh bone resorption markers wale ques mein ans serum propeptide type 1 procollagen diya hai but aa ke chart mein it is a

  3. chart given in ques 92 may aiims 2008 is wrong....dont follow that chart....instead u should follow the chart given in harrison 16th edition page 2273 table 333-5
    ''serum propeptide of type 1 procollagen is a bone formation marker''
    do keep posting your doubts
    discussion always helps :)
